Georgian publishers are declaring solidarity with Svetlana Alexievich



Georgian publishers are declaring solidarity with Svetlana Alexievich

Georgian publishers are declaring solidarity with Svetlana Alexievich, the 2015 Nobel Prize in Literature winner, who has been summoned for questioning in connection with the investigation against the opposition's Coordination Council.
"We, Georgian publishers of Svetlana Alexievich, ARTANUJI Publishing and INTELEKTI Publishing are supporting our author, the Belarus Nobel prize laureate and the person who introduced to the world the Soviet reality and the post Soviet heritage in an impressive and unconcealed manner. The creator of the "Voices of Utopia" has today become the target of the system whose victims she defended and advocated for years. 
In September 2017 at the meeting in Tbilisi organized by publishing houses ARTANUJI and  INTELEKTI Svetlana Alexievich said: "I lived in emigration for years but still returned to my homeland because I missed home and because I believe that I should live among the people I write about". 
Once back home Alexievich appeared to be improper for Lukashenko's regime which not only officially never recognized the only Nobel Prize in Literature winner from post Soviet countries living in Minsk but basically ignored her, although it didn't mean that she was tolerated by the regime. After publicly showing her support for Belarus populations peaceful protests against authoritarianism, the repressive mechanism of Lukashenko's regime openly turned against her. 
Today the civilised world stands by the ideals of humanism, freedom of speech and expression, represented to the rest of the world by the Belarus people and Svetlana Alexievich herself, who despite the bans and threats from Putin's Russia and from Lukashenko's 25-year rule aspires for free and democratic space.  For us, Svetlana Alexievich's Georgian publishers, this fight and protest is very familiar, very close to heart and particularly precious.
Solidarity to Svetlana Alexievich!"
