MEDIEVAL GEORGIAN CHURCHES, A Concise Overview of Architecture

Medieval Georgia left an impressive architectural legacy, a significant part of which is represented by cathedrals, churches, and monasteries. David Khoshtaria provides an up-to-date introduction to the Medieval architecture of Georgia and offers a new perspective on some of its aspects. He concisely recounts the history of church building in Georgia for over one and a half millennia, from the late Antiquity to the eighteenth century, specifying particular features of different periods. He discusses key Georgian monuments, focusing on both their originality and their relations to other building traditions, and reveals significant artistic and technical achievements of Georgian master builders. His analysis includes typological, stylistic, and structural aspects of architecture, as well as the cultural, economic, and political context that affords the opportunity to gain an overall view of the subject.
David Khoshtaria is the head of the Medieval Department of George Chubinashvili National Research Centre and associate professor in the history of architecture at Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. His research interests cover Medieval and early Modern architecture of Georgia.