ISBN: 978-9941-445-89-7
Category: Critical Essays on Literature-Documentary Prose
Pages: 68
Format: 12.5x17
Published: 2015
Cover: Soft
Price: 6.00
“The collection of my essays is paying tribute to my grand hobbies. One will find football, literature and countryside in them, the topics I usually write about and love. It can also be said that they are a kind of ‘left-over’ thoughts, the pebbles found on the river bed after a flood. Consequently, they are rather fragmented in the same way as bedtime fairy tales are when sleep snaps off the endings. Then, they continue in one’s sleep, but in a non-linear manner, just like Eric Cantona used to kick or Misha Meskhi used his famous decoys. In this sense, everyone has a dream of their own. I won’t be in the least offended if my dreams coincide with yours.”