Tao Klarjeti


Tao Klarjeti

Historical and Cultural Essays

ISBN: 978-9941-478-72-7

კატეგორია: სამეცნიერო-პოპულარული ლიტერატურა, ალბომები , ტურისტული გზამკვლევები

გვერდები: 600

ფორმატი: 22X28

გამოცემის თარიღი: 2018

ყდა: მაგარი

ფასი: 79.95


იხ. ქართულენოვანი გამოცემა

This issue is a complete historical study on Tao-Klarjeti. It covers the historical periods starting from the oldest times to the modern day. Besides the history, the book contains some chapters about the ancient culture of this region, its traditions, its Georgian language which is spoken up till the present times and more. Each chapter is accompanied with corresponding visual materials illustrating the unique geographical environment of Tao-Klarjeti, its architectural monuments, everyday life of the people and the local characters.

This issue is a stage study for the scientists and researchers interested in this region as well as for a wider society and tourism industry.

Authors: Zurab Batiashvili, Irma Beridze, Nana Burchuladze, Giorgi Gagoshidze, Rozeta Gujejiani, Buba Kudava (Editor), Nikoloz Zhghenti, Gocha Saitidze (Editor), Natia Poniava, Nestan Chkhikvadze, Giorgi Cheishvili, Natia Khizanishvili


Translated by Manana Odisheli, Geoffrey Gosby, Nino Gabunia


ავტორის წიგნები


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